I was pondering on what to blog on this afternoon. Sometimes just scrolling around and looking at all the family pictures I have scanned sometimes make an inspiration.
It is the end of May, today in the Pacific Northwest and I am in awe of how beautiful our weather has been for a good portion of the month. Normally our weather can be tempermental in May as it transcends into Summer. So when I spotted a photo of my Grandmother, Zelma Fern and her brother, Granville Ellis Ball with friends playing in an unknown creek I had a wonderful feeling of warm Summer weather, children playing in the water and how things sometimes don't really change at all, even after 80 years! This picture was taken somewhere near Salem, Oregon around the early 1920's.
Granville is the young boy on the left and sister, Zelma is second from left.
Zelma was my maternal Grandmother and was born 1912 in Arnett, Ellis County, Oklahoma and passed away in September 2005. Her brother, Granville was born 1916 in Salem and died 1976 in Salem.
I really love this picture.