I decided to take up Randy Seaver's Saturday night challenge and confess to my genealogy junkie tendencies! Check out Randy's blog at
Genea-Musings. Randy is a great blogger and always thinks of interesting and fun topics to write about.
The Assignment:
Answer these questions about your genealogy life (mine are in parentheses):
1. When did you start genealogy research? (1979 -30 years now).
2. Why did you start doing research? (My mother had bought a "starter kit" that included pedigree and family group sheets and a small booklet "How to get started in your Genealogy Research". In the early 1950's she did a family tree for a high school project and we started filling out the forms. The next day, I went and purchased that starter kit and another how-to book and I was hooked).
3. What was your first big success in research? (Finding that the family story about being descended from Daniel Boone was somewhat correct albeit that his aunt is my ancestor).
4. What is your biggest genealogy regret? (Not being diligent in source citation).
5. What are you best known for in the genealogy world? (Not known at all, joined Face Book to introduce my blog).
6. What is your professional status in genealogy? (None, but feel I know quite a bit methodology).
7. What is your biggest genealogy achievement? (Able to find that my ancestors have lived in the U.S. for a long time, and how far I have advanced).
8. What is the most FUN you've had doing genealogy? (My many trips to SLC, field trips and the internet).
9. What is your favorite genealogy how-to book? (The Source).
10. What notable genealogist would you like to meet someday? (Elizabeth Shown Mills).
There you are - talk about yourself for a change! Go forth and blog about your True Confessions of a Genealogy Junkie! Or write a comment to this post.
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